Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tour of California

We woke up this morning to crazy gusts of wind, rain and cold. It's the worst day to take a bike ride, for sure... but the Tour Of California started anyway. We skipped the idea of going downtown and simply walked down the street to cheer the riders on.
(You can click on the photos to enlarge them.)


People kept darting across the street when the cop had his back turned, much to his disdain.

Cold... but still excited!

Don't forget extra tires...

Here they come! aaaagh!

Is that Lance? eh? eh? I think it is.
*edit* That's totally him. Yellow and black helmet.

No mercy on stray toes... they were SO CLOSE!

Extra Bikes

And that was it!

It was all of like, 20 seconds, but still really neat. I felt like a little kid.



You can follow the race here

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