Mark and I have decided to go to a Thanksgiving buffet over at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Sacramento. I've managed to completely ruin the prospect of eating turkey by reading about how smart these birds are and how horrible their lives are when raised for food. I recommend educating yourself about it AFTER Thanksgiving. Turkeys get a bad rap, man. I am going to have a pet turkey one day.
With the holidays comes weight gain... so I've been cooking healthier meals for both of us in hopes that we can maybe shed a few pounds rather than gain more. Mark will eat anything as long as it tastes good, so making him eat healthy food has been surprisingly easy. I'm trying to establish good habits for both of us so that when New Year's and it's optimistic resolutions come around, we'll have a fighting chance.
Here are this week's hits:

Pistachio Encrusted Chicken Salad with Avocado Dressing: A little more labor intensive, but super duper good. Probably my favorite! Make the people you feed clean up all the dishes afterward and it becomes less of a pain in the ass to make.
In other news, we are trying to configure our Christmas plans. So far it looks like we'll be driving to So Cal, with the dogs, to see Mark's family. Then I'll pick up my sister, bring her back with me to Davis, then fly Danielle up to visit for a few days, since she'll be here from Brazil. Mark's staying down south for few days to hang out with friends, then driving up here with them. Hopefully the timing will work out so that we don't have 147 people here at once. This just means that I need to have the place unpacked and looking like a normal house by then. We're probably putting up the tree after dinner tomorrow... so I'd love to finally get pictures of this place up. 3 months to get settled... not too bad, right???
Now... time to find some stretchy pants to accommodate the delicious thanksgiving fare (sans turkey!) that I am going to consume tomorrow.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, folks.
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