Thursday, January 22, 2009

The consequence of going to bed late?

I lose my spot.

Ah, yes, Diego loves the bed. He's a pillow hog, loves blankets, and is basically much like a small child. There's a three part begging process to be let up on the bed, and he executes each step with great skill.

1. The Stare
This can vary from pathetic looking to downright goofy, depending on my mood.
My first line of defense: Avoid eye contact.
His response: Loud sighing/snorting.

2. The Heavy Head
Usually accompanied by one paw and loud exhales, he is clearly looking for the sympathy vote.
My second line of defense: "I'll pet you, but that's it."
His response: Shivering. I'm not kidding. He can make his teeth chatter. Loudly.

3. The Heavy Head to the Max
This simply involves getting closer, utilizing the stare from Step 1, and maximizing step 2.
Most important, though, is the addition of the wet nose to warm human flesh technique, which is not ignorable.
There is no line of defense for this.
His Response:


But when there are two humans on the bed, there really isn't any room left for an 80lb doberman. But he tries anyway. The thing is, he has his own bed at the foot of our bed. Mrs. Socks has no problem sleeping there -- she's a bear when it comes to sleeping. Diego, however, goes through the same process every night.
He takes his spot on his bed, and we turn off the lights. A few moments later, footsteps. He goes over to Mark's side and nudges him. "GO LAY DOWN!" is the usual command. Footsteps again... he even walks over his bed, giving us hope that he listened to Mark. Sure enough, the steps continue over to my side of the bed. But his approach is slightly different when it comes to his mother; he puts his nose as close to my face as possible. Imagine now, complete darkness -- and a giant dog breathing ever-so-quietly on your face. I hold still and try not to laugh as he puts his nose on MY EYE SOCKET. Where did he learn this?? "GO TO BED! GO LAY DOWN!"
And, like a sullen 4 year old, he makes the 5 ft walk to his bed, turns around 47 times to find the perfect spot, and plops down with a loud, disgruntled sigh.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Socks sleeps.
And she farts... loud. Like an old lady should be entitled to.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mid-January Update

I do these things to crack myself up. If it makes you laugh, then it's even better.
You can make your own Shepard Fairey-ish Obama poster here.

So... here we are. It's almost the end of week 2 of school, 8 weeks left, and I am on top of everything. Everything. It's fantastic. Last minute, half-assed schoolwork is now a thing of the past. I've come to realize that I could have done better last quarter, and should have. For now, I will just blame it on having to get used to school again. You know, I had to get back into the routine. There. I've made my excuse and I am sticking with it. One excuse is acceptable. Excuses are what get you into trouble. My first quarter was more about learning non-academic things, like "how to bike in the rain" and "where the hell is my next class?" Also... where not to eat on campus, when to get free samples from the bakery, and how to avoid crazy LaRouche-ers on the quad.
So I'm generally happy about it overall. And now that I've exhausted my excuse, I am doing a lot better. So far, doing well is more choice than ability.

I'm biking a minimum of 6 miles daily... my legs are so buff, but sadly, I have not lost weight. I've noticed that I'm a lot hungrier than I used to be (hence my lovely poster up there) so I'm going to assume that it is a result of my increase in activity. So... perhaps I am consuming all the calories that I burn, and without any sort of deficit, the weight is staying on. I've got a doctor's appointment later this month (hallelujah health insurance!) so ideally I'll be getting a complete checkup, something I've never had in my adult life.

I'm considering volunteering at the UCDVetMed hospital because I need to be reminded of what my goals are. I've had a lot of "What do I REALLY want to do?" moments since I've started school, because everything I am learning is interesting to me (except linguistics. okay, it is interesting and I see why it is important, but... I couldn't handle it. I love you Danielle.) So then I wonder: people medicine? law? vet school? art history? (just kidding!) I think that being around animals again would surely get my heart back into the right place. There's just so much to do.... what do I want to be when I grow up? I suppose I don't really have to decide. I'll just get the grades that will enable me to have many options to be decided upon later. It's a very productive form of procrastination.

So for now, I am trying to come up with a nice weekend adventure to take advantage of the 3-day weekend.
aaaaaand that's about it. Life is good.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thank goodness..

...December is over. I made it, I made it, I made it.

I think the secret to not being miserable over the holidays was to finally drop the expectations and hopes of recreating the holidays as they once were, before the deaths, when there was a family, when it was happy without any effort. And of course, having moved out of my childhood home made things a lot easier; the echo of my father's laughter is not audible 500 miles away. I am now able to start my own traditions instead of relying on the Christmases of past, something that I am looking forward to doing from now on.

I am a little regretful that I didn't track my progress on here... I've just been absent. Part of it is my own need to grit my teeth and get through everything completely before finally looking back, and part of it is the fact that my little sister has been here for the past week and I've just been off the computer. She flies out Sunday morning and i'll be back into my routine on Monday.

I was hoping to write about all the things that have been going on for the past few weeks, but I can't remember everything. Okay, here's my excuse: There was a lot of traveling, a lot of emotional ups and downs (but, as I mentioned, far less than usual) and lots of sister-entertaining... and today's day-long headache. Combined, these things have caused some memory loss. I really should go to bed.

I'm thinking a December Recap in Photos might do the trick.

I am going to read this tomorrow and laugh at how all over the place my writing is.